Outdoor Games
With outdoor playing conditions, safety is always our primary concern. If a field is deemed unplayable, the city of Brampton will notify the Club by 4:00 P.M. We will update the PowerUp system and notify all parents and players if a game needs to be rescheduled. The City of Brampton will also update their website with all field closures.
If you have not been notified and are wondering whether a game is still on, we recommend that you still show up to the field. Once at the field, a decision can be made at the discretion of the referee and/or coach.
Indoor Games
In the event of extreme weather conditions or other environmental situations which develop during the day or may be forecast for the weekend, it may be necessary to close the schools to after hour permits. A decision to close schools is made centrally after considering all information on road and weather conditions received from a variety of resources, including road departments and weather agencies.
Please visit www.peelschools.org under “What’s New” for more information.