
Dear Brampton Soccer Club members,
With a combined legacy of over 99 years, providing recreational and competitive soccer programs to the City of Brampton, The Brampton Youth Soccer Club and Brampton East Soccer Club are excited to announce that work has started with regards to the amalgamation of the two clubs to form one unified Soccer Club in Brampton for both BOYS and GIRLS.
Our goal with this amalgamation is to provide the best soccer programs and development path for the youth in our communities. Together, we will focus on providing better programming, a more unified operational synergies and above all more development opportunities for our members, coaches and volunteers. We strive to maintain and increase interest in the sport while fostering physical, mental, social, and leadership skills in both our female and male members.
We aim to be the “LEADERS” in the soccer communities we serve by focusing on the key areas listed below:
- Providing the best Long Term Player Development (LTPD) executed through a player centric model.
- Providing the best Coaching Development through proper training and technical support.
- Leadership in developing structure and policies to maintain Ontario Soccer Gold Status for Club Excellence and best practices.
- Leadership and commitment to focus on community engagement with the City of Brampton, sponsors, and support of local businesses.
- Improve business operations – administration, program development and coaching development.
We are confident this amalgamation is the best way to support the evolution of soccer in the City of Brampton. We look forward to all our members coming together and being a part of this new and exciting soccer era in our City. The amalgamation transition will take place in the next few months and go into full operation as of Summer 2019. The Brampton Youth Soccer Club will continue to operate under its name and brand throughout this coming indoor season.
For more information, please contact our President: Gene Da Silva
Thank you for your support!
The Brampton Soccer Club
Special Amalgamation Meeting - SGM - Wednesday November 14, 2018
The Brampton Youth Soccer Club invites all our members to attend the Amalgamation Special General Meeting on Wednesday, November 14, 2018 to be held at:
Flower City Community Campus
Building E, Room #6 (Basement)
7:00 p.m.
There will be a membership vote for the amalagamation. We look forward to speaking to you about the amalgamation and answering any of your questions.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why amalgamate?
With the ever-changing landscape of soccer clubs are working together through affiliation and amalgamation to strengthen the foundation of their programs and ensure that the product provided to members is valuable to their development and affordable.
2. Why now? Timing? Mid-fiscal?
With the evolution of soccer that has started to impact not for profit clubs we believe that the
time is right to unite.
3. How does this impact our teams?
This amalgamation will have minimal impact on teams and will not affect any programming.
4. What are the benefits? BYSC? BESC?
The benefits of moving to a unified club are tremendous. By combining our expertise, resources,
and assets members will have superior programming and athletes will have a greater range of
5. When will the amalgamation come into effect? How will it be rolled out?
The amalgamation will come into effect for Outdoor 2019.
6. What happens to the staff? Operations? Tech?
There are no changes to our staff at this time.
7. How will the financials be managed?
Financials will be managed the same, however, all monies and assets will be pooled together under the
new club.
8. Where will the clubhouse be located?
Location is still TBD, however, we looking to secure a central location in Brampton.
9. Do we have to re-register?
An individual already registered for Outdoor 2019 will not have to re-register. Registration details
will be transferred to the new club. New registrations will be provided a new portal to register directly with the new club.
10. How many members will the new club expect to have?
We estimate the new club to have 2,500 members.
11. What happens to age groups that have “A” teams in both BYSC and BESC?
Team placements for 2019 are not yet available, however, we don’t anticipant many issues and
any impact will be minimal.
12. What will the new Club be named?
FC Brampton.
13. What is the impact to the individual clubs relationship to OS and PHSA?
We have the full support of Ontario Soccer and the Peel Halton Soccer Association.
14. How does this affect OPDL?
This will strengthen our position in the OPDL and we are fully supported by Ontario Soccer.
15. How will this impact the female and male stream? Clubs up to this point only had to manage
one or the other?
By combining our technical staff both the female and male stream will have access to more support.
16. The programs of each club are being run separately, how will the programs be integrated?
Technical staff from both clubs will work together. As one club, we will be able to combine the expertise of each club and offer a cohesive soccer vision.
One Club, One Vision – Stronger Together!