Monday, June 22, 2020
Dear BSC Members,
Today the Provincial Government of Ontario announced that Peel Region will be moving to Stage 2 of the Ontario Reopening Plan on Wednesday, June 24, 2020.
In Stage 2, Team Sports (Pending Municipality Approval) may resume with strict Social Distancing Measures, No Contact based activities and Gathering Restrictions of 10 people or less in designated training groups must be respected at all times. Other considerations (amongst many) are Hygiene Protocols, Contact Tracing and Facility restrictions that need to be aligned with Peel Public Health and our City of Brampton.
Regarding our Club Status, Brampton Soccer Club have been conditionally approved by Ontario Soccer and Canada Soccer through their Risk Mitigation process for Return to training pending our local Municipality approval which would then fully sanction us to restart operations. Our next step is to continue connecting with the City of Brampton and discuss our Return to Play plan plus collaborate on latest Municipality Safety requirements, Facilities and Reopening Timelines. The return to training process is moving forward in a positive direction and we will be hosting Health & Safety Webinars with our Club Membership in preparation for the reopening of Brampton Soccer Club.
Please see below the Webinar Details. The meeting zoom link has been sent by your team managers to their respective age group.
Health & Safety Webinar Schedule:
• Friday June 26: U8-U12 – 5pm
o Who: Players, Parents, Coaches & Managers
• Friday June 26: U13+ – 7pm
o Who: Players, Parents, Coaches & Managers
• Agenda:
- Return to Training Protocol Review
- Field Set up
- Player Considerations
- Waivers & Declaration of Compliance
- Action Steps & Timelines
- Questions & Answer
BSC look forward to connecting with you all later this week.
Kindest Regards,
Brampton Soccer Club